Yining (Max) Zhang

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Personal Information

I'm a Lecturer in the Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) cluster at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Previously, I was a Research Fellow at SUTD working with Prof. Ernest Chong.

Prior to joining SUTD, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Colorado Boulder.

I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mathematics at Indiana University Bloomington. My thesis advisor is Prof. Ajay Ramadoss.

You can call me Max if you want.

My preferred pronouns are He/Him/His.

Contact Information

Email: yining_zhang@sutd.edu.sg

Singapore University of Technology and Design
8 Somapah Rd
Building 1 Level 5
Singapore 487372

Office: 1.502.30

Curriculum Vitae

Here is my curriculum vitae